Sunday 15 January 2012

The Big Bad Wolf.

I thought I had finally gotten over the time that J forced me to watch this video..
But no, I would like to thank Duck Sauce for once again giving me nightmares courtesy of 'The Big Bad Wolf'..

Hilarious, yet disturbingly fucked up probably best describes the concept!
A good tune to get you moving in the gym, however I'd recommend keeping the volume on the DL as I do receive some odd glances when the howling comes blasting from my headphones...

The Big Bad Wolf.


Tuesday 10 January 2012

New Years Rez.

Courtesy of my partner in crime J..
 I have finally found my new years resolution for 2k12. 

Carb's are the enemy. 


Monday 2 January 2012

2k11 sexytimes.

So Student Beans have posted the countdown of the top 10 weird and best sex stories of 2011.

I thought it would only be right to follow suit and compile my own..
Although narrowing it down to just 10 was a harder task than I thought!
Here is the best 16..

The one with the walk of shame.
The walk of shame on a Thursday morning down the busiest student area dressed like this...

The one with the walk of shame, take 2.
When R did the stride of pride in JUST her knickers and a see-through white t-shirt was bad enough, only to turn up at the front door to find not one, but 2 visiting Daddy's in the house..
M's Dad nearly curbed his van as she walked on by..

The one when R was bad at head.
We wound R up so much about rumors she was 'bad at head' that she invited a boy round (in the day time, might I add) just to prove her oral worth..

The one with 2 in one.
In the space of an 18 hour lash beginning at 9 am, M lured 2 different guys into the depths of her bed.. And that's not the half of it...

The ones with the room destruction.
Not only were there 2 different guys, M has taken up a new hobby of rampant room destruction during sex.
Were talking smashed mirrors, ripped down curtain rails and knocked over toiletries to name a few..

The one with the 'FUCK ME'.
Andddd to add to the storytime, screaming 'Fuck me now' 'Say my name' when there's a house full of sleeping friends is a little bit awks to say the least.. Cheeky.

The one with the wee.
The so awkward its wrong moment, when someone wants to wee on you before sex. I'll keep the owner of this story anonymous for their own good..

The one with CRT.
At polo nationals, some poor unsuspecting girl woke up in Captain Red Trousers (CRT) bed, only to be cheered by everyone as she walked across the polo pitch the next day..

The one with M's 118 Birthday.
When not only did she have 2 lots of birthday sex, but the morning after numero uno kiwi shag sat in her room for 3 hours, alone, whilst she chilled next door with us.
There is a 2 hour rule on one night stands in our house you know, GET THE HINT.

The one where we get naked in public for fun.
It may not be that sexual.. but my friend L and I have a little tradition of getting our kit off in the early hours of the morning, in public, primarily on top of mountains..
Pretty nippy to say the least and dodgy old men wandering around at 5am is NOT ideal, but us frigid ones need to get our kicks somehow.

The one with DJ EDGE.
He's a celebrity in our eyes, and M loves to invite him back for a cuddle and a kinky shower every Weds post fuzzys.
"I don't normally play a song twice, but for this one I'm going to make an exception" #baywatch.. If you don't know, don't worry..

The one with No Grass Play.
JLA rocks up at his own front door looking like this after a night of action on a golf course.

The one with the Backstreet Boys.
Immediately after an awkward pre-cum moment, things became more awkward when M hit the play button on her i-tunes and the Backstreet Boys 'I want it that way' came blasting out..
She'll still be living this one down when she's 60..

The one with the wanking man.
My bestie N sent me a video of the delightful view from her bedroom window one evening..
Involving the man across the street in full view giving himself a treat.. whilst his wife watched TV downstairs blissfully unaware. Hilare.

The one with the door locking.
In my ongoing frigid stage, I seem to have invited boys back to my house and proceeded to lock them out of my bedroom, whilst I gossiped in bed with my BFF.. on more than one occasion.. Apologies.

The one with MIC.
I hate to say it but the top sex story of 2011 involves this cheeky article in Closer Magazine..
I quite favour being the 'illusive brunette'... nuff said.

Lets hope 2012 brings continued banter filled sex stories to fill my time and give us all a little giggle at someone else's expense..


Ps. If anyone has some more sexual tales, then sharing is caring..

Sunday 1 January 2012

Were gonna pardy like, it's 2012.

New Years Eve..
Such an over-rated hype for the tick of a clock and technically just midnight of another drunken day.

However any excuse for a massive lash is great in my eyes..
and it turns out drunken injuries seem to have upped their game for 2012 and not only do I take to impersonating a baby giraffe on speed whilst intoxicated, I lie on my back like a stranded turtle until someone picks me up from my numerous falls...

Black and blue legs and sliced open knees are all over the fash stakes for SS12.

Here's a few corkers from NYE repping the 'Curse of Camera' tradition - savage.


Attempting to be frigid.. #NYResolutions           Salty Pirate....??? Arrrrrrrr.

Drink fail...

 Some disapproving 12 year olds..

The excessive champagne potentially explains why we were up until 8am belting out Disney songs.. on repeat.
'Darling its better, down where it's wetter.. take it from me!'

As Joey Tribbiani would say...
Happy NO Year.


Thursday 29 December 2011

Crackwhore Carrie 'Bad'shaw.

The awkward moment when you stroll around in public looking like a crackwhore.

Re-living a Carrie Bradshaw 'Single and Fabulous?' moment.. when the hot guy see's you in your not so finest moment.

Lesson 1:
A sly trip to the local shop for some hangover munch should NEVER be done without makeup.

Lesson Learnt.


Tuesday 27 December 2011

Here Comes The Bride..

The Boxing day ball turned into a bridal shower when my lovely friend H fashioned this hub cap halo on the long stumble home from a champagne and fur filled lash.
The reception banquet was free pizza all round as the local kebab shop caterers 'forgot' to charge..


The blushing bride herself.. 
with just a hint of evidence left in the morning..

The husband to be is a lucky guy!!

Happy Boxing lash, 
yet another day with an excuse for drinking.


Sunday 25 December 2011

You scumbag you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot..

So it has been a while.. with Christmas in full swing taking over one whole month of the year with manic shoppers, crazy women charging like bulls with prams and hoards of grandma's filling up Sainsbury's 24/7 fighting over the last tub of sour cream Pringles...

Empty shelves everywhere.. you know because the shops are closed for one WHOLE day and god only knows what would happen if you ran out of cranberry sauce.. despite the 5 (spare) jars stashed away in the cupboard..

I have concluded that Christmas makes people insane.

Anyway it turns out Santa did not bring me One Direction for Christmas, apparently Louis says I'm too old, and Harry says I'm not old enough.
Next year I am wishing for crows feet like Caroline Flack.

Instead he brought me a great big HANGOVER..
And the memories of calling my Dad at 1.13am to see if he knew our taxi driver (I want to say Steve..?) after he kindly took us for chips and battered sausage..
Which I might add did make a lovely reappearance back up again #allaboard #chunderexpress

I blame the cocktails for waking up at midday Christmas day.. Still drunk.

Merry Christmas your arse, I pray God it's our last..


Wednesday 7 December 2011

The awkward moment when M tries to preach that rugby girls aren't all lesbians...


Tuesday 6 December 2011

Girls and their Pearls.

So today happens to be the anniversary of my b-e-a-utiful friend A's birth.
In our first year of uni she received quite a memorable birthday treat in the form of a cheeky 'pearl necklace'...

(Those of you new to this phrase may want to have a check of urban dictionary.. If you don't know what urban dictionary is I suggest you probably won't want to read the rest of this blog..)

Anyway along came second year, and as A opened her precious 21st gifts from her loving family, she unwrapped.. yep you guessed it.. the family pearl necklace.. Textbook awkward moment right there.. Try explaining that one to the Grandparents.

So, this year Phwoar, as you are far far away from us on your Birthday I am sending you a pearl necklace to let you know we love and miss you (or if I'm truthful just your mahoosive boobs)

May the pearl tradition live on!!

Ps. My gift idea for next year of pearl nipple tassels may be short-lived, as we all know in your old age gravity will take it's toll on those bad boys..

Do your boobs hang lowwwwww, Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow??
We all know I can. Grandma.


Monday 5 December 2011

Harvey Nic's - Upgrading the walk of shame since 1813.

After watching this 2011 Christmas ad for Harvey Nic's, I have come to the conclusion that a store is required along Cowley Road to brighten up those predictable, yet hilarious Thursday mornings post Fuzzy Ducks...

Spot on promo for all the sluts of the world!!
Boom ting.

Who said that trackies and heels could only be pulled off by 
Lady Sov anyway??

Ps. For a brief education into the 'night' that is Oxford's Fuzzy Ducks every Wednesday.. See below..
Be warned - it's not for the faint hearted.


Sunday 4 December 2011

My second favourite D&G.

I remember in my school days (yes ALL those years ago) how I lived my life by the rules of David and Goliath ®

Dedicated to my fave Frenchy G.. take note beebs!
Many thanks for your expert advice D&G!


Saturday 3 December 2011

Boyfriend season?!

With the depths of December upon us, and Christmas time (SO much food and wine) just 3 weeks away.. Winter is truly in our midst.

I love living in the country during the festive season.. roaring log fires, a glass of mulled wine, presents under the tree and cosying up to chick flicks on TV.. but why does it feel that something is missing..?

This is what I like to call 'Boyfriend Season'..
Every girl feels lonely on those cold winter nights, and lets face it a big spoon is defo a better version of a hot water bottle!!
(Minus the early morning friend poking you in the back ofc...)

However I had to give my head a wiggle at this thought, as being the ice queen I am, the only accessory I need this winter is a fur scarf and designer handbag.
My cotching and snugs are saved for my BFF and partner in crime J.

Love you sill! Frigid for lyfe.

Ps. Yes that is me, jus chillin on my throne. #bitchin


Friday 2 December 2011


The Awkward Wink.

Is it just me, or do winky faces on Twitter, Facebook, BBM and Txts make you feel awkward.

Massive cringe alert right there......      ;)

Never a fan of PDA's....

The only exception I make is my mum;
I'm not sure she's quite aware what the face means..

With reference to the usage of LOL, I still presume her definition is 'love you lots'.. unless she finds my dilemma's and moaning highly hilarious.. possible?

Serial winkers..
You have been warned.


Thursday 1 December 2011


In the excitement of opening advent calenders (CHOCOLATE!!), I completely forgot that today was FINALLY the end of paedophile season.

Yessss I know it's all for a good cause, but we cannot deny that November is an entire month of every hot guy turning into Britain's MOST WANTED criminal look-a-like.

Defo time for celebration that the world is giving us back pretty boy clean shaven faces!!! Beaut.

Although I do think the Queens effort is one to be highly commended.


Tuesday 29 November 2011

'Everything was going just the way I planned the broccoli was done..'

The awkward moment when you whack your old school McFly cd on and remember (AND sing along to) every single word...

A couple of my favourites :

'Everything was going just the way I planned the broccoli was done, 
She doesn't know that I'm a virgin in the kitchen cause it's normally my Mum.
But then she called me, and that's when, she said to meee......
She wasn't coming round for tea.'

Such a hard blow for a young teenage boy...
I actually quite like Broccoli.

'We spoke for hours,
She, took off my trousers,
Spent the day laughing in the sun.
And we had fun...'

Well as long as you had fun, I think we can guess the rest boys....

I hope singing burns calories, because I spent the entire journey thoroughly prepping for next years X factor auditions.
The embarrassing stare from the car next to you when you stop at the traffic lights. Oops. Not ideal.

Check out the tunes yourself :

Still have a massive school girl crush on these boys. Cringeeee.

Now I'm off to eat some broccoli, as I don't think last nights wine counted as one of my 5 a day. #singlegirlproblems


Monday 28 November 2011

I'm gonna paint you by numbers.. and colour you in.

He may be ginger, and unfortunately NOT the star of Harry Potter as thought by some slightly 'special' person I know...
But this song never gets old and stops making me smile..
Ed Sheeran FTW


Sunday 27 November 2011

What was that..? A preview.

Despite the oversleeping and dodgy head, it seems Wino Wednesdays have been moved onto Wino Weekends with a large side order of Sex and the City... Don't tell me it's not educational...

"Front, back, who cares, a hole is a hole" - Ha classic Samantha!!

New forms of television procrastination have begun..

Saturday 26 November 2011

All I want for Christmas..

Failing the One Direction ploy (as my celeb pulling days seem to have hit a low point right about now...)

My other Crimbo request is a pet Zebra called Zebedee.
My BFF J has picked out this little monkey and has him on hold.

I do, however, want him alive and NOT as a rug. That's what sheep are for.

Eeeeeeeeee too cute!!
Take note Daddy!!!


Friday 25 November 2011

It's gotta be youuuuuuuuuu..........

After watching an extremely educational documentary on ITV, I have re-discovered my obsessive love for One Direction...
Cringeeeeee alert...
I may be 'Granny D' to my friends but all I want for Christmas is Louis Tomlinson covered in baby oil, in my bed. Beaut. Beaut. Beaut!!!!

Failing that Harry Styles will suffice as second best...

So prettyyy


Tuesday 22 November 2011

Awkward Surprise...

Whilst pre Fuzzy Ducks drinking one cold Wednesday eve, I decided to leave M a little present for when she captures and drags an unfortunate conquest back to the depths of her bedroom...
After the curtain pulling/mirror smashing/toiletry throwing and general room destruction, I feel a heads up to any guy on what he is letting himself in for is only fair...

Even poor Dumbo is hiding away!!!!


Saturday 19 November 2011

Chuck and Blair..

As an avid Gossip Girl fan and also being the future Mrs Chuck Bass.. (Wow he is literally a GOD - those who disagree obviously need glasses).. I feel this video needs some recognition.

The Chuck and Blair love story continues.. Not going to lie, I got a little emotional #singlegirlproblems

As much as I love the french accent, someone stop her from marrying Louis!!!!!

Tissues at the ready... Enjoy!


Thursday 17 November 2011

Drunkorexia... Don't mind if I do.

Today I have just come across British students new ideal craze...


Now, it may sound scary but in fact the idea of cutting out some food calories to allow lash is a brilliant idea that myself and friends have been utilizing for years! (Yes were old 3rd years now... Awks)

Not only does skipping a cheeky meal before you go out mean you can get drunk muchhhh quicker, it also means you can drink muchhhh more calorie wise after scrapping off a load of carby pasta for your dinner.. I mean who lines their stomach pre pre-lash in this century anyway??!!

Another valid point is that less food in the day means more food when drunk. Obviously you would never find me begging for a free piece of chicken at Kebab Kid after screaming at the top of my lungs MORE GARLIC MAYO!!! For the record I stick to normal mayo these days as garlic has an urm, UNIQUE taste the morning after....
I'm also 'banned' from there as drunken chicken makes me chunder..

So here's the article with some drivvle on how less food and more alcohol is bad for your health or something.. Personally its how I live my life... As my BBF J would say...



Wednesday 16 November 2011

Miracle noodles.. Who invented water anyway??!

Today I received an order of Japan's finest calorie free nooooooodles.

Not going to lie, considering they are made of around 99% water I did question where water came from, its such a nothing thing, whoever invented it - genius!!!

Anyways who would of thought, calorie free food, every girls dream right??


They distinctly tasted like slithers of octopus legs mixed with water balloons and a hint of cold bsketti (that's spaghetti in my child like terms)..

On the positive side no calories = WIN...
Dust anyone?! Dust anyone... no??

Try them for yourself :

The only miracle I found was that I didn't chunder at the feeling of eating a chunk of Medusa's hair.


Tuesday 15 November 2011

Is this the way to Amarillo...?

It turns out the doggy fetish was established at an early age for C.....

Back in the days of Bebo. The awkward moment when he loves dog a little bit too much.
#wankbank #WOOF.

It has also been discovered that there is even more erratic pre-teen behaviour from C...

On the plus side, let's be honest, everyone secretly wants to know the way to Amarillo?

C - Defo my fave fresha.. he has a lot to give.

For now..

Monday 14 November 2011

Lack of sausage makes M a grumpy girl...

Lack of sausage in and around the mouth and too much Dukan chicken has really effected M this week...

This is the only time I've seen the girl passed out, sober.


On the plus side, I found this picture for her to aspire to..

Finger Lickin' Goooooooood.


Sunday 13 November 2011

No Carbs Before Marbs...

So my friend M is hitting up this new trend of the 'Dukan diet'.. where the idea is a pure protein diet (to begin with) so that your body uses your existing fat stores for energy....

I am estimating she has probably consumed around 74 poor chickens so far #chickenfiend

Devouring chicken or well disguised pregnancy cravings..? Who knows..

On the plus side she's lost over half a stone, so chicken population aside, this seems to work!!

On the whole I'm currently giving this diet a banging 9/10, as long as you're a fan of the chicken!!!

I know M has had some difficulties dealing with her lack of sausage this week... and without a night at Fuzzy Ducks this Weds, she's going to need to attempt to substitute her protein supplies from somewhere else #nodicktosuck #gobblegobble..
